Your next stage of growth
Move towards your own light.
Focusing on You
Dealing With Unprecedented Times?
How are you coping with the unusual events of this past year associated with the pandemic? Use this pause in “normal” activities to reassess what is truly important to you.
Moving Through Changes?
Relationship ended? Job changes? Loss of someone dear to you? Such transitions are painful--and can be times of significant insight and growth. Focusing on you and what is vital for you is a healthy response to such disruptions
Challenged to Change?
Are you resisting change? Do you long for things to just go back to how they were? While understandable, resistance to change may not serve your best interests. Sometimes such resistance is based on fear that can be uncovered and addressed, allowing you to move in the directions you choose.
Making the Same Mistakes?
Are you dragging burdens from your past with you? Wondering why you do not make steady progress or form sustaining relationships? Discover what messages you may have taken on earlier in your life that unconsciously steer your decisions in ways that interfere with creating the life you want.
Struggling with feelings of anger?
Check out Gifts of Anger, Sprout Coaching’s site on learning tools to understand and work through anger.